Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Post-Cinematic Metaphysics

To keep in the spirit of heuretics, for this post I've composed a poem, a poem written from the perspective of one who is not a hero but a mystic.  The speaker is both director and prophet, and my text, when posted on my blog, accompanied by visuals and soundtrack, hopefully serves as a close-to-final attempt at electracy—for, to quote Ulmer quoting Barthes, "The best response to a text is another text."  Probably the poem will be the final blog post for my section on The Cinematic.  I also included a bonus poem!

Post-Cinematic Metaphsyics

No words: in the future one  
will need a cam, the language
of action. Presence makes
no sense—really the only thing
it signifies is that heroes
willing to die for a principle
can be cut and edited out
like a Hollywood montage
of a horse galloping in vane
or a desperate dude warning kin
that the body-snatchers
have landed.  Unchecked desire
takes no dominion in this coming
attraction—only terror and trauma
and collision and a muffled voice-over
sequence directly oriented
to the past, where the privileged
posture for just a second: the fractional
stride-in-motion not unlike  
an ancient Chinese landscape
painting featuring a mountain girdled
in mist, some shadowy birds
floating about, a river flowing
boringly in circles. Maybe
in some fresh electric world
fruits will blossom as they do
in old garden myths.  It is written
that the best reply to a text
is another text—but how will we
respond to fire and ice?

Whether you dug my poem or not, play the audio track below--guaranteed dopeness, and, IMHO, a good instrumental for the vibe I'm trying to build with the poem.  Play it again and again, and, when you're jamming out, watch the video below it on mute.  

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